Management background check Romania

Is your candidate on OFAC lists?
Background check – mitigarea riscului in recrutare
Is your candidate on OFAC lists?
Background check – mitigarea riscului in recrutare

We offer services of background check on candidates for key management level, which is our “Management Background Pack”, and it represents our solution for both recruiters and direct-hiring companies, with focus onto mid- and top-level management candidates.

The package here can be customized as per your specific needs; we will be happy to accommodate your request of a bespoke solution. We will be happy to subtract or add any service from/to this list, for the purpose of helping you get the best results for your organization.

Please let us know if this is something you would consider as deliverables, in a background check report, on a mid- or top-level management candidate.

Management background check Romania
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