We take pride in our professional approach to all our clients

This has never been more true than today; loyalty, honesty and professional experience governs our way of doing business, since 1991, the year of our incorporation in Romania.

We always

conduct our own services honestly and honorably, and expect our clients and suppliers to do the same. We take proper account of ethical considerations, together with the protection and enhancement of the moral position of our clients.

Due to the sensitive nature of our particular services, we will not provide a service to a direct competitor of a client, and we generally try to avoid any serious and unbecoming conflict of interests.

Our actions

and advice will always conform to relevant law, and we believe that all businesses and organizations, including this consultancy firm, should avoid causing any adverse effects to its business, name and credibility.

We are committed to maintaining the highest degree of integrity in all our dealings with potential, current and past clients. We are fully and long compliant with the FCPA regulations. We maintain the quality of what we do through constant ongoing reviews.

We always endeavour to make our research and work as legally-proof as possible. We never undertake anything even remotely linked to what it may appear to be a non-legit project and in any case, we do not engage in downright illegal operations of any kind, and certainly not in "blind research".

If you need to know more about our mission, scopes and professional approach, do not hesitate to send us a message, we'll be happy to assist you with any clarification you may need, regarding Background Check Romania.